DECCA Resources

The DECCA (Drug Education, Counselling and Confidential Advice) Team provide the young peoples, aged 18 and under, drug and alcohol service in Sandwell.  The remit for the team is multi-faceted and fits across all areas of provision for young people’s services and is located within Targeted Support Services (TSS), as part of Sandwell Children’s Trust (SCT). We want to share with you some of the resources we have developed as we feel they might be of use, and save you some time!

We have developed a range of informative guides on a range of different drugs, including alcohol, that you can find here.

The team have also developed a website,, which contains information on alcohol, drugs and other key issues, for young people, parents/carers but also teaching materials for professionals and workers including teaching programmes.

These comprehensive educational programmes, devised through extensive consultation with young people and professionals, and using Department for Education (DfE) recommendations are available for teaching staff to deliver to their pupils. They are age appropriate and meet the needs of the year group they are designed for.  The materials have won 2 Children and Young People Now national awards, sponsored by the Children’s Workforce Development Council, and have been sold to neighbouring authorities.

The alcohol and drug education programme has been awarded the Feeling Safe Foundation Quality Mark which means that the team have been recognised as delivering Protective Behaviours as part of all the work delivered.  The team are proud of this fact as this approach is proven in building resilience with young people; this is essential in the drive to keep them safe and allowing them to make informed decisions about their lives to help keep themselves safe.

Schools participation is voluntary but due to the excellent partnership working that has taken place over many years DECCA services are readily accepted by schools and are now bought in by numerous academies, including out of borough.

If you would like to access these resources then please email us on decca_team [at] sandwellchildrenstrust [dot] org (decca_team[at]sandwellchildrenstrust[dot]org). and we would be happy to share them with you.
