young people

Drug Use among Mexican Youth on the Rise

In recent years Mexico has seen a spike in drug use among teenagers. A new study analysed drug use among Mexican high school students over the past two decades. The study found that the number of young people who had tried drugs doubled...

Improving Services and Systems for Transition-Age Youth

Event Date

The transition to adulthood is a critical developmental stage. Youth experiencing mental health and substance use concerns at this time may also face challenges related to housing, justice involvement, education, and employment. And individuals from vulnerable populations experience these challenges more acutely.

Are Smoking Bans Having the Desired Effect?

Scientific article
A new study carried out by researchers at Ohio State University and subsequently published in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour shows how smoking bans in the United States have led to a decrease in social or light smoking amongst...

Are Drinking Cultures in the West Changing?

Scientific article
Levels of alcohol consumption have generally decreased in the West over the last ten years. A series of papers published in a recent special issue of Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy focuses on this topic of drinking cultures...

Shoot Hoops, Not Drugs: Sport as a Healthy Alternative

Scientific article
Eighty percent of 3- to 17-year-olds play some form of sport. Practitioners in the field of drug prevention have looked to promote sporting activity as a healthy alternative to substance use amongst young people. The Canadian Centre on...