
A foresight toolkit for the drugs field

This toolkit aims to support the EMCDDA’s stakeholders, other actors and researchers in the drugs field to implement their own foresight exercise in the form of an introductory trend-based workshop. It describes briefly the foresight and...

A Kit for Employers: Making your workplace drug free

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has identified many well-researched drug-free workplace programs and published "A Kit for Employers: Making the workplace drug free". This Employer kit describes the...

WHO Quitting Toolkit

With professional support and quitting services, tobacco users double their chances of quitting successfully. This WHO toolkit is aimed at tobacco users and is designed to provide information, reasons to quit and resources in an easily accessible format.
WHO quitting toolkit ISSUP

International Cannabis Toolkit Workshop 2019

Event Date

The International Cannabis Toolkit Workshop 2019 will take place on 22nd October 2019 in Lisbon as a side event of the Lisbon Addictions conference (23rd – 25th October 2019).