Alcohol and Other Substance Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among High School Students — Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2021
Engagement and Innovation Strategies for Youth Substance Use Prevention Messaging
At one time or another, most of us have had a conversation with a young person that didn’t quite go as planned. Maybe the topic was uncomfortable, perhaps the young person didn’t say much, or you just weren’t sure how to make your message resonate.
Webinar: 'Adolescent Social Isolation and Loneliness'
Being socially disconnected or perceiving the absence of companionship and support can have a large effect on health and mortality risk for adolescents. This presentation will explore factors that lead to social isolation and loneliness; will determine how both physical and emotional health can be influenced; and will discuss ways to improve social integration and support in order to improve outcomes and life satisfaction for adolescents.
How Does Parental Supply of Alcohol Affect Risk of Alcohol‐Related Harms in Early Adulthood?
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
Many teenagers are not aware of the risks to their health, to their success in school and the dangers while driving under the influence. When teens are given the scientific facts about drugs, they can be better prepared to make good decisions for themselves and they can share this information with others.