
DECCA Big Guides

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
Downloadable information on alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

Addiction Journal Book List

Addiction journal publishes new book lists five times per year, both in print and on this website. Items are alphabetised by author within each list. The book list includes the latest evidence-based literature related to substance use and...

Prevention Plus Wellness Youth and Teacher Resources

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) provides easy to use evidence-informed resources to help prevention and health specialists and parents prevent youth and young adult alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, e-cigarette, and opioid use while promoting...

Prevention Tools: What Works, What Doesn’t

Every substance use prevention specialist should read this free booklet written by Joe Neigel and published by the Washington State Care Authority. Prevention Tools is an excellent prevention resource that, as the title indicates...
ISSUP prevention tools

New SPORT & InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Program Brochures

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
These colorful three-panel two-sided brochures describe the single-session evidence-based SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness programs for youth and young adults. Free to copy and distribute in your organization or region to inform...

Alcohol Awareness Week

Event Date
Awareness Campaign

Alcohol Awareness Week is an opportunity for charities, local authorities, GP surgeries, businesses and more to think and talk about alcohol harm with their communities.

To help you run Alcohol Awareness Week in your community, Alcohol Change UK have put together free digital resources:

Integration Centers addictions Virtual Library

The Virtual Library in Addictions, developed by centers of youth integration, allows access to resources and information services specialized in Addictions and related topics, serving users of different levels. The aim of the library is to...

Barriers in Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Scientific article
The US is experiencing a public health crisis. In the US in 2016 alone, there were over 63,000 drug poisoning deaths. Despite these concerning figures, it is estimated that fewer than 20% (3.8 million) receive treatment and for those who do...

Educational Packages for Opioid Use Disorders

The Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network has released a set of educational packages that can be used by professionals working with individuals with opioid disorders. Online booklets, which have been specially designed for peer...