
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Coercion Tests Therapeutic Skills

Key studies on the contribution of the practitioner to reducing crime and safeguarding the community. Commentary risks formulating a general rule: The trickier the situation, the more the worker matters. Implication is that therapeutic...

Alcohol Treatment Matrix Row 5: Safeguarding the Community

Time to consolidate the lessons of the course’s last five instalments about treatment intended to safeguard the community, the final row of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix. A common theme is the contradiction between treatment centred on the...

Treatment of Skid-Row Alcoholics with Disulfiram

Scientific article
Conducted in 1962 and 1963 in Atlanta in the USA, the featured article seems the first to have tested whether problem-drinking offenders will take a drug which enforces abstinence by generating deterrent reactions to alcohol, if the...