Kenya Substance Use Prevention Shaping Up

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Join hosts Drs William Miller, Goodman Sibeko and team, for a discourse on Motivational Interviewing research in Africa. How successful have we been in training competent practitioners and what have we learned in the process?
This Webinar is the third of a series focussed on Motivational Interviewing in Africa.
International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol & Other Drugs (INEBRIA) is an international network, primarily consisting of researchers, and importantly also including policymakers, practitioners and other stakeholders interested in the potential of brief interventions in health and other settings to reduce the problems caused by alcohol and other drug use.
The European Psychiatric Association Congress in 2019 is guided by the Congress motto, Psychiatry in Transition – Towards New Models, Goals and Challenges.
The UCL Centre for Behaviour Change (CBC), in collaboration with the UCL Institute for Digital Health, is delighted to confirm its fifth behaviour change conference.
The 5th annual CBC conference will invite academia and industry to present on health-related behaviour using digital/not digital and hybrid technologies.