older adults

Working with older persons in forced displacement

This document provides guidance for UNHCR staff and partners on protecting the rights of older persons in situations of forced displacement or statelessness. When responding to the phases of forced displacement (flight, displacement, return...

ATTC Webinar Series-Cannabis Webinar Series: Older Adults

Event Date

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah).

Call for Papers- Dual Diagnosis in Older Adults

This new annual themed issue of Advances in Dual Diagnosis will focus on issues surrounding dual diagnosis in older adults in order to improve assessment intervention, treatment and care of older adults with dual diagnosis from both public...

Evaluation of the Drink Wise Age Well Programme

The Drink Wise, Age Well programme was delivered over five years from 2015 to 2020 in five intervention areas across the UK. The project had 4 objectives: To raise awareness of the issue of alcohol misuse among people over 50, change...

Drink Wise, Age Well Professional Resources

The Drink Wise, Age Well programme supported people to make healthier choices about alcohol as they age. The programme was designed to change attitudes, combat stigma and reduce alcohol harm in the over 50s so they can live longer...

Substance Use Among Older Adults Reading List

Reading List
Around the world, people are living longer, meaning the global population of older adults is increasing. Older adults are often dealing with multiple health difficulties and are particularly vulnerable to the impact of substance use. There...