motivational interviewing

The Future of Motivational Interviewing: Where to from here?

Event Date

Russell, Steve, Joel and a couple of very special guests will blast off to explore new directions, areas of research and outside the box ideas for the future of Motivational Interviewing.

Spontaneous contributions from our audience of space travellers will be most welcomed.

Motivational Interviewing

ASAM has gathered a selection of short videos and resources that examine aspects of motivational interviewing. Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care (Video: 4 min, 23 sec) Cleveland Clinic. An inspirational video about building a...

It’s Not What You Say, but How You Say It.

Event Date

Motivational Interviewing & Beyond Live Webinars

A bad experience can be the best teacher. Joel Porter, Steve Rollnick, Russell Calderwood, David Rosengren & others discuss the importance of learning from experience and language in working with people in the classroom, therapy office and playing field.

ISSUP Webinar: Motivational Interviewing Course Session 4

Event Date
United Kingdom
ISSUP virtual training course on Motivational Interviewing presented by Igor Koutsenok, MD, MS, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego, Department of Psychiatry.
ISSUP Igor Koutsenok Motivational Interviewing