
Dual Pandemics – What Will COVID-19 Mean for Hepatitis C Elimination?

Event Date

Australia is a world leader in its efforts to eliminate hepatitis C and to improve the health of people who use drugs. But COVID-19, on a backdrop of economic uncertainty, anxiety and unemployment has the potential to disrupt our support, prevention and cure efforts – especially given the populations most impacted by hepatitis C and drug dependence are some of our most vulnerable Australians. 

HepHIV2019 Conference

Event Date

The HepHIV2019 conference, which is organised jointly with the 3-year EU funded joint action INTEGRATE, will take place 28-30 January 2019 in Bucharest, Romania.

The theme of the conference is the Challenges of Timely and Integrated Testing and Care.

The main objectives of the HepHIV 2019 conference are to: