drug trends

National Report on the Drug Situation in Lebanon

The document National Report on Drug Situation in Lebanon offers an insight into the coordinated approach taken by the Department of Public Health, academic stakeholders and other ministerial departments in reducing the prevalence and impact of substance use disorders in Lebanon.

European Drug Report 2018

The European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released their latest European Drugs report. Covering 30 European countries the report explores drug trends, developments in prevention and treatment, public health...
European Drug Report 2018 report cover

United Kingdom Drug Situation: Focal Point Annual Report

The United Kingdom Focal Point on Drugs (UK Focal Point) 2017 report is available on the UK government's digital portal. Based at Public Health England, the UK Focal Point is the national partner of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs...
United Kingdom Drug Situation: Focal Point Annual Report

EU Drug Use Revealed through Wastewater Analysis

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released the results of their largest wastewater analysis study. The EU project analysed the wastewater around 60 European cities and towns. This has allowed...
Wastewater analysis