drug addiction

Consequences of Tobacco Use (Gutka)

Consequences of Tobacco Use (Gutka) By Haider Ali Tobacco is frequently being used in two ways. Some people use smoke tobacco by using cigarette/ hukka, whereas some chew tobacco (gutka). Both methods of using tobacco are harmful for health...
Consequences of Tobacco Use

Substance Use and the Maldives

There are decades’ worth of evidence from around the world to guide us; we need to follow it. Given the importance of the issue, I say let’s do all interventions that have shown promising results. But what does this mean for drug use in...
Substance use and the Maldives

The Brain’s Role in Drug Addiction

Scientific article
Latest research suggests that the impairment of the lateral habenula (LB) – the region of the brain known to register negative experiences – can contribute to the development of drug addiction. The study, conducted on laboratory rats by...

Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidelines on Clinical Management

There is no more important document for doctors treating problem drug use in the UK than the so-called ‘Orange guidelines’. This major update will substantially inform judgements of what constitutes acceptable medical practice - should...