case management
Call for Master Trainers for the Case Care Management Project
Brief Description: The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD) is seeking expressions of interest from experts in the field of alternatives to incarceration and social integration to be trained...

Beyond the Patient: Treatment’s Impacts on Family and Community. Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix, Row 5
View this message as a web page BEYOND THE PATIENT: TREATMENT’S IMPACTS ON FAMILY AND COMMUNITY Time to consolidate the lessons of row 5 of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix. This final row defocused from the patient to ask what treatment can do...
The Talking Route to Recovery. Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix Row 4
View this message as a web page THE TALKING ROUTE TO RECOVERY Time to consolidate the lessons of row 4 of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix, all about therapies in which human interaction is intended to be the main active ingredient -...
Psychosocial therapies in the treatment system. Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell E4
PSYCHOSOCIAL THERAPIES IN THE TREATMENT SYSTEM Selected, explained and discussed - key studies and guidance on psychosocial therapies in local alcohol treatment systems. Focuses on guidance from NICE, England’s gatekeeper to the public...
The Talker in Talking Therapies. Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix Cell B4
THE TALKER IN TALKING THERAPIES Key studies on the impact of the practitioner in psychosocial therapies for alcohol dependence. Structured around Carl Rogers’ classic account of the “necessary and sufficient conditions” for effective...
The Treatment Organisation Is the Healing Context. Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell D2
THE TREATMENT ORGANISATION IS THE HEALING CONTEXT Seminal and key research on how treatment organisations create an environment affecting whether staff and alcohol-dependent patients realise their potential. Starts with the US resource...
Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell A2: The ‘Common Factors’ at the Heart of Treatment
THE ‘COMMON FACTORS’ AT THE HEART OF TREATMENT The first cell in row two of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix initiates our investigation of treatment as opposed to brief interventions, discussing seminal and key research relevant across...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Elusively Important: The Practitioner in Psychosocial Therapies
Key studies on the impact of the practitioner in psychosocial therapies. Takes Carl Rogers’ seminal work as its starting point, explains why being genuine sometimes means breaking the ‘rules’, and why effective therapy is not just a matter...