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As part of Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) capacity building initiatives with prison staff for the better management of drug dependent prisoners, a four-day long Training of Trainers (ToT) on Drug Treatment and Management Training for prison staff was held on 25 July 2022.
Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) drug treatment centers celebrate Recovery Get-Together every year to support recoveries and help integration back into society. This year DAM arranged a “Recovery Get together” program on March 26, 2022, at Ahsania Mission Drug Treatment Center, Gazipur.
Geographical location and diverse cultural influence make Bangladesh vulnerable for substance use related problems. It is impairing public health, corrupting institutions, retarding socio-economic development, and in some cases, impacting...
Abstract Introduction We report on second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure based on saliva cotinine levels among children in Bangladesh—a country with laws against smoking in public places. Methods A survey of primary school children from two...
The New York Times published an opinion article on Asia's anti-drug programs and where U.S. involvement has not helped. The article highlights the need for greater drug demand reduction efforts to combat the growing meth crisis in the...
Abstract Background: The price of tobacco products in relation to the income of tobacco users—affordability—is recognised as a key determinant of tobacco use behaviour. The effectiveness of a price increase as a deterrent to tobacco use...
ABSTRACT Introduction: We report on second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure based on saliva cotinine levels among children in Bangladesh—a country with laws against smoking in public places. Methods: A survey of primary school children from two...
This article from Sri Lanka highlights increasing drug trade throughout Asia. In particular, Sri Lanka is seeing a dramatic increase in heroin trafficking which is causing serious health and security challenges.