Day 1, 16:00 - 17.30, ICUDDR, Global Developments in Addiction Studies

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 26th of June, 2024.

Moderator: Prof. Michal Miovsky (⚑ Czech Republic) - Department of Addictology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University


Amalie Lososová - Insight to the global addiction education: pearls from the ICUDDR survey 2023

Maria Fernandez and  Marcela Carballo - Developing and implementing a Drug reduce University Diploma for health practitioners in Uruguay: challenges and future directions

Elizabeth Nováková - New era in addiction (university) education and training: Emphasis on quality assurance and evidence-based approach

Anna Tsiboukli  - Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes in Greek Universities on Drug Addiction Treatment and Prevention: Lessons learned and future prospects