Appropriateness to International Quality Standards of Treatment for Use of Psychoactive Substances of Community Mental Health Centers in three regions of Peru

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024 - Panel: "From Research to Practice: Insights from Global Initiatives".


Dr. Marina Piazza (⚑ Peru) 1, Dr. Cecilia Chau (⚑ Peru) 2

1. International Technology Transfer Center - Peru, 2. Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru


Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate to what extent management and care practices of treatment services for psychoactive substances users in Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC[H1] ) of Peru, are in line with international quality standards. The following areas were evaluated: service management; provision of individualized patient-centered treatment; whether timely access to evidence-based interventions is ensured; and promoting the health, safety, and human rights of patients.

Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive quantitative study. Three regions of Peru were selected: Lima, Huánuco, and Ucayali. In the selected regions, all existing CMHC were included (total 24). Center directors of and heads of Addiction Prevention and Control Services of the participant CMHC were invited. The study validated a questionnaire with experts. Respondents completed an online questionnaire and met on-site with researchers to assess the sources of verification used. Information was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods.

Results: A first area that offers opportunity for improvement is to develop mechanisms for involving users in the design of the service and in quality assurance of the service. In the same line, there is opportunity to promote the participation of individuals with "lived experience" and/or recovery from addiction in the provision of care. A second area identified[H2] is the promotion of access to care for different target populations with strategies to increase access to treatment. A third area is quality management with defined indicators and ongoing monitoring of practice. Finally, there is need of development of key interventions protocols to address stigma and discrimination, and for the management of major incidents.

Conclusion: The study has identified key quality of treatment areas of CMHC in Peru to develop in line with international quality standards. A quality improvement plan will be implemented at CMHC to tackle the identified areas.

[H1]De acuerdo
