Research Update from the National Institute on Drug Abuse


1.Dr. Lindsey Friend (⚑ United States) 1

2.Dr. Tom Clarke (⚑ United States) 1

1. National Institute on Drug Abuse


The International Program of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) works with colleagues from around the world to find evidence-based solutions to the public health problems of drug use, addiction, and drug-related HIV/AIDS. We build partnerships with countries, organizations, and individual researchers to promote new research initiatives, build international research capacity, and disseminate knowledge. NIDA supports the International Program mission because the Institute recognizes that addiction knows no borders, and that no country can solve the problem by acting alone.

The proposed presentation for the International Society of Substance Use Professionals will highlight research updates from NIDA in the areas of opioids, stimulants, cannabis, HIV, and tobacco. Emerging research in the areas of psychedelics and xylazine will also be discussed. Key populations addressed include women, children, and incarcerated individuals.

A particular initiative that will be discussed includes the Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL), which is a NIH-wide effort that aims to speed up scientific solutions to stem the opioid public health crisis. The focus of HEAL is on implementation science research that addresses prevention, treatment, and recovery in the areas of pain management and opioid and stimulant use disorders. HEAL is also focused on medication development initiatives for both opioid and stimulant use disorders. Almost every NIH Institute and Center is accelerating research to address this public health emergency from all angles.

Finally, the proposed presentation will also highlight NIDA’s training programs which include resources for research collaborations as well as an overview of funding vehicles available to international applicants. In particular, the presentation will highlight the NIDA INVEST Drug Abuse Research Fellowship and the Distinguished International Scientist Collaboration Award Program.