Receptive group music therapy “Guided Imagery and Music” in the Therapeutic Community KETHEA ITHAKI


1.Mrs. Olga Katsiokali (⚑ Greece) 1

1. Head of Family Support Center KETHEA ITHAKI


The presentation focuses on a study which explores the impact of receptive music therapy “Guided Imagery and Music”(GIM) on the rehabilitation process of individuals who participate in a drug addiction treatment program. “Guided Imagery and Music” is a receptive music therapy method, which can be utilized in various therapeutic settings for the personal development and therapeutic management of issues related to both the physical and mental health of an individual.

This study investigates the ways in which receptive group music therapy GIM can contribute to the therapeutic process, in the context of a rehabilitation Therapeutic Community. For the purposes of the study, action research was the chosen method; within this framework a brief receptive music therapy GIM intervention and two focus groups were applied. Overall, fourteen (14) people participated in the research, all of which were abusing psychotropic drugs, and at the time of the study were members at KETHEA ITHAKI Therapeutic Community in Greece.

The participants took part in two focus groups, prior and after the brief therapy music intervention, and the findings of the research were analyzed using the content analysis method.

The research results underline the value of the GIM method in relieving emotions of anxiety and physical stress, facilitating the lived experience and the expression of emotions and encouraging the development of trust among the group members. Based on the results of this study it is suggested that the GIM method, in group format, could be applied in drug free Τherapeutic Communities and become part of the treatment process.