Innovative Solutions for a Safer Tomorrow: Unveiling Greece’s pioneering initiatives in Overdose Prevention and Access to services


1.Mr. Athanasios Theocharis (⚑ Greece) 1

1. Organizations Against Drugs (OKANA)



Over the past years, Greece has made significant strides in addressing drug-related issues through pioneering initiatives and policies implemented by OKANA. These efforts include the establishment of the first Drug Consumption Room (DCR) in Greece and Eastern Europe, the expansion of Naloxone framework, and the establishment of the Toxification and Overdoses Reference Center.


The operational efficacy of Drug Consumption Rooms has stirred international debate, amidst numerous misconceptions. Nonetheless, the paramount benefit of DCRs lies in their role in overdose prevention, offering a supervised, hygienic environment manned by trained personnel capable of prompt intervention during an overdose episode.

Key Findings/Results

Highlighting innovative strategies in overdose prevention and service accessibility, particularly the lifesaving impact of Drug Consumption Rooms (DCRs) and expanded Naloxone availability, which have collectively rescued over 300 lives in the past two years. This underscores the significance of evidence-based approaches and advocates for the further expansion of harm reduction services, including Mobile DCRs, and a Toxification and Overdose Reference Center.


The overarching goal is to create a safer, more supportive environment for individuals struggling with drug addiction. The implementation of DCRs, enhanced Naloxone distribution, the establishment of the Toxification and Overdoses Reference Center, and other interventions are pivotal in addressing the unmet needs of patients. These efforts not only protect public health but also lay the groundwork for a secure and promising future, paving the way to achieve the goal of not a single life lost due to overdose.