Implementation of The Complete Course of The Child Curriculum Version in Spanish


1.Dr. María Carmen Sánchez de Molinas (⚑ Paraguay) 1

2.Prof. Nadine González (⚑ Paraguay) 2

3.Prof. María Cabral (⚑ Paraguay) 3

4.Prof. Laura Platón (⚑ Paraguay) 4

1. National University of Asunción, 2. Proyectos de vida, 3. Norberto Bobbio School of Government, 4. SENAD National Anti-Drug Secretary


This presentation will review the challenges and opportunities faced in implementing the CHILD training in South America and provide lessons learned and tips for those who aim to replicate this hybrid training on a country wide level. The organization and start-up of the Course CHILD “Interventions and treatment for children and adolescents with Substance Use Disorders” UTC CHILD/ PLAN COLOMBO model is managed by ISSUP Paraguay Chapter.

It was designed to develop six courses under the Hybrid modality (face to face and distance classes using technology) with a total hour load of 248 hours, which includes 48 hours of face-to-face classes and 200 hours distance classes with synchronic and a-synchronic activities. The course structure includes three phases, and face to face classes and distance classes are combined in each phase. This presentation will review the implementation development and outcomes that were characterized by cooperative work among trainers from Argentina, Peru and Chile who lead the face to face workshops, and the Paraguayan trainers who managed the distance classes activities.

The professional performance of the trainers is an ad honoree contribution for the workforce training. Financing of the course has a distinctive character. The course participants are Municipal Council officials for the Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights coming from the nineteen Municipalities of different districts and regions of the country, in addition to technicians from the Ministry of Childhood and Adolescence, an office of the Executive branch of the Paraguayan State. The selection was done through an open call to the 265 Municipalities of the country. Course participation does not have any cost for the participants, who are a total of thirty. The development of the course covers from November 2023 to May 2024.