First INEP-Plus for beginners course delivered in the UK: evaluation findings


1.Dr. Raffaella Milani (⚑ United Kingdom) 1

2.Dr. Luisa Perrino (⚑ United Kingdom) 2

1. ISSUP-UK and University of West London, 2. University of West London


The aim of the presentation is to share the findings of the first ‘Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention (INEP)-Plus for beginners’ course to be delivered in the UK. The program introduces key concepts and issues within Prevention Science. The learning materials were developed by Charles University (Prague) and were designed for self-study. The delivery format was subsequently adapted by ISSUP-Global to include online synchronous facilitated sessions to support participants’ learning and provide group discussion and networking opportunities. The course will be delivered from Jan to early June 2024 by ISSUP-UK in Collaboration with University of West London (UWL). Ten facilitated sessions  will be run by two facilitators who attended the INEP-Plus international course for trainers that was offered by ISSUP Global.

The course will be delivered using the same format proposed by ISSUP-Global. It will be attended by 20 professionals working in a wide range of sectors (e.g. Public Health and Prevention, Alcohol and Drug Treatment, Addiction Services Commissioning, Mental Health services, Young People services and Education) who have already committed to participate in the facilitated sessions. Eight sessions will cover the course content, one  will be used to share plans to apply the knowledge acquired during the course, and the tenth session will be utilised to conduct a focus group discussion about the experience of attending the course.

The evaluation will use a mixed methods design, which will consist of a quantitative questionnaire which will be administered at the start and at the end of course, and the final focus group discussion which will be conducted by a researcher from UWL. The evaluation will also include the facilitators' feedback regarding their lesson learnt from the process of delivering the program, as well as recommendations for future delivery of the course and proposed methods for longer term evaluation.