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Evolution of Vietnam's Strategies in Drug Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery: A Two-Decade Perspective


1.Mr. Duc Nguyen (⚑ Vietnam) 1

2.Dr. Trang Nguyen Thu (⚑ Vietnam) 2

3.Dr. Minh Giang Le (⚑ Vietnam) 2

4.Ms. Minh Nguyen (⚑ United States) 3

1. Vietnam Government Office, 2. Center for Training and Research on Substance Use & HIV, Hanoi Medical University, 3. Virginia Commonwealth University



Over the past two decades, Vietnam has undergone substantial transformations in its approach to drug prevention, treatment, and recovery. This presentation reviews the pivotal changes and underscores key policies that have played a crucial role in shaping the nation's strategies to address drug-related issues.


Our methodology involves an examination of key policies and literature on drug matters in Vietnam, complemented by insights derived from our experiences as policymakers, researchers, and trainers actively engaged in the formulation and implementation of drug policies.


Results highlight a noteworthy shift in current drug policies, placing a strong emphasis on evidence-based approaches. Traditionally, drug prevention efforts focused on raising public awareness by portraying threatening images of drug paraphernalia and individuals in desperate states. However, the latest policy guiding drug prevention among youth and students emphasized on evidence-based manual for schools to raise awareness and equip youth and students with skills to prevent drug use.

Significant changes are observed in drug treatment, notably with the introduction of methadone treatment into the country in 2008, piloting the model of social and legal assistance, consultation, and referral services for people who use drugs. Recognizing the effectiveness of evidence-based treatment, the Government of Vietnam has issued supportive policies and integrated more evidence-based interventions into treatment programs.

The initiation of recovery support for individuals who use drugs began notably with the 2013 National Plan to Renovate Drug Treatment. The 2021 Revised Drug Law on Narcotic Drugs Prevention elevated recovery support by emphasizing community-based assistance, encompassing psychosocial counseling, financial aid, legal assistance, and medical services for those completing drug rehabilitation.


Vietnam has undergone significant transformations in its approach to drug prevention, treatment, and recovery. The evolution of policies increasingly draws from international and national evidence, reflecting a commitment to informed decision-making and the impact of diverse strategies.