Drug Demand Reduction Workforce Credentialing - Grant Opportunity

Deadline: June 4, 2024

Overview: The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a project to encourage the development and dissemination of a global credential and related credentialing or certification program based on international standards for substance use professionals.

Priority Region/Countries: Africa, Asia, Central Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean

Problem Statement: Drug use disorders extensively harm health, including mental health, safety, economic well-being, fuel organized crime, and negatively impact political, social, and economic stability. Many governments as well as individual drug demand reduction professionals provide services but have little experience and few methods to determine if those programs or their efforts are effective, evidence-based, and meeting international standards or their own program goals. To encourage and document the improvement of the prevention, treatment, and recovery services, the workforce requires training to an agreed international standard and then an agreed global credential to ensure that the substance use disorder workforce is performing to that standard.

Project Vision: Drug demand reduction is the field of counternarcotics that recognizes that an epidemic only ends when we reduce the number of new cases. Through a well-trained, credentialed, and enthusiastic professional workforce in the combined fields of prevention, treatment, and recovery support, we will reduce the number of those suffering from substance use disorder globally and provide a social framework that supports recovery and ongoing prevention of substance use disorders.

INL Points of Contact:

Danielle Parsons (parsonsdm [at] state [dot] gov) - GO

Anne Chick (chickal [at] state [dot] gov) – PO/GOR