2024 National Prevention Network Conference - Call for Proposals

The purpose of the NPN Conference is to highlight the latest research in the substance use prevention field. It provides a forum for prevention professionals, coalition leaders, researchers, and federal partners to share research, best practices and promising evaluation results for the purpose of integrating research into prevention practice.

This year, the conference will take place in Phoenix, Arizona, at the Arizona Grand Resort. All presentations will be held in-person. If you are selected to speak at the NPN Conference, you will receive a discounted registration fee.

We hope to receive your submission soon! The deadline for submissions is Thu April 11, 2024.

To find out more or to make your submission, please use the link below.

2024 National Prevention Network Conference - Call for Proposals

Important Dates:

  • Online Form Open: Monday, March 4, 2024
  • Online Application Deadline: Monday, April 11, 2024
  • Letter of Notification: By end of May, 2024 
  • Deadline to respond and Complete the online Registration Form: July 15, 2024


The application must be complete in order to be scored. The following content will need to be prepared in advance and then submitted online. Please ensure to consider the scoring criteria when responding to the application. You can download the NPN Conference Proposal Submission Word Document to prepare your answers in advance!

  • Session Overview (maximum of 500 words), answering the following questions:
    • What are the issue(s) you are trying to address?
    • Who is(are) your target population(s)?
    • What activities/strategies did you engage in to bring about change?
    • What the evaluation outcomes of the strategies/interventions?
      • If no outcomes at this point, what are the outcomes you hope to achieve?
  • Conference Topic (choose the BEST fit for the proposed workshop from below)
  • Working title of the presentation
  • Working workshop description (for program purposes)
  • A minimum of two to four (2-4) learning objectives that you wish to accomplish during your presentation. At least one must pertain to cultural relevance or competency.
  • Short biography of each presenter entered (no more than 300 words and in 3rd person)
  • Level of audience content knowledge (please choose all that fit best)
    • Beginning (no prior prevention knowledge needed)
    • Intermediate (some prior knowledge of the topic)
    • Advanced (content is for those with an advanced understanding of prevention)
  • Type of audience the content is best suited (please choose all that apply)
    • Student/Intern
    • State Systems Level
    • Local Level
    • Coalition Partner
    • Researcher
  • CV or resume

Workshop Topics and Conference Theme:

Workshop proposals should fit into one of the topics listed below related to substance use prevention. Proposals should address the conference theme, Shining a Light on Prevention: Connecting Research, Practice, Innovation, and Equity.

Note: The topic descriptions below are representative of issues, trends, and discussion points provided as examples. Presenters may submit proposals outside of the descriptors listed below; however, they must relate to substance use prevention. Downloadable Topics Here.

Highlighted Topics:

  1. Evidence-based and Evidence-informed Programs and Strategies to Prevent or Reduce Substance Use
  2. Innovative Programs and Strategies to Prevent or Reduce Substance Use
  3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Substance Use Prevention
  4.  Prevention Workforce Development

1. Evidence-based and Evidence-informed Programs and Strategies to Prevent or Reduce Substance Use

Evidence-based substance use prevention programs, strategies, and policies across the CSAP six prevention strategies: Information Dissemination, Prevention Education, Alternative Activities, Environmental Strategies, Community-based Processes, Identification of Problems and Referral to Services; translating research to prevention practice; state and community program results; successful public awareness, social media or marketing efforts; using technology in prevention; prevention strategies across the lifespan and diverse populations.

2. Innovative Programs and Strategies to Prevent or Reduce Substance Use

Innovative substance use prevention approaches; evidence-informed practices in prevention; new outcome and emerging research on what is working; innovative public education efforts, including public awareness, social media or marketing efforts; using technology in prevention; systemic work to improve prevention service delivery; engaging various community partners; prevention strategies across the lifespan; drug trends and emerging issues; including harm reduction strategies in prevention.

3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Substance Use Prevention

Incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion practices that account for community attitudes, norms, and language around substance use; systemic, intergenerational, and/or environmental trauma; social determinants of health; other behavioral health issues that are essential in ensuring that programs, policies, and practices are effectively implemented with fidelity and with diverse populations.

Ensuring that substance use prevention strategies and programs address health disparities among vulnerable and disenfranchised/marginalized populations; allowing for complexity of issues based on cultural context; adjusting communication styles, culture, and addressing the economic and social barriers that contribute to substance use and poor mental health for young people, families, and caregivers.

4. Prevention Workforce Development

Activities to build, sustain, and train the substance use prevention workforce; recruitment, onboarding new staff, training, retention, and succession planning; core competencies; certification; increasing pay; developing leadership skills; strengthening and diversifying the prevention workforce; developing career paths and ladders; prevention ethics; rural prevention workforce development; youth leadership; developing workforce strategic plans.


Method of Communication:

Notification will be sent out electronically from contactus [at] npnconference [dot] org (contactus[at]npnconference[dot]org)contactus [at] npnconference [dot] org ( )to the main contact on the application.