Training Report on Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention


Foundation for Changing Lives Against Substance Abuse in response to addressing the urgent need for more addiction workforce that can deliver evidence-based prevention program in Nigeria, requested the NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR

MENTAL WELLBEING, WASHINGTON, DC. for training on GETTING CANDID:FRAMING THE CONVERSATION AROUND YOUTH SUBSTANCE USE PREVENTION. This training was attended by 24 participants working in schools and communities to reduce substance use among youths in Bayelsa state.

At the end of the training, participants were glad for the knowledge gained and requested that more of such training is needed and in such a way that it will enable participants to have the opportunity to engage in role-play demonstrations as well.

Conclusion: The event was successful and participants expressed feelings of having a wonderful training session with Emma Hayes and Pam Pietruszewski.