ISSUP Webinar
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Safeguarding people from the use of Tobacco for Tobacco-Free generations: Tobacco-free Initiative Pakistan

ISSUP Pakistan present this Webinar on Safeguarding from the use of Tobacco: Tobacco-free Initiative Pakistan.

This webinar is intended to help the audience gain a better understanding of youth engagement in tobacco use control and to identify misconceptions about working with youth. Learn about the significance of engaging youth in tobacco prevention efforts and understand the different roles of youth and adults in youth programs focused on positive community change. Moreover, it will help identify the steps required to prepare for authentic engagement in youth prevention programs.

Learning Outcome:

Audience will understand that tobacco use in any form, nicotine and non-nicotine, products are lethal.

Mr. Shahzad Alam Khan, 
National Professional Officer in the World Health Organization Pakistan and Expertise Public Health Professional

Mr. Shahzad Alam Khan has a progressive experience of over 25 years in WHO in the area of policy development. His main area of interest has been promoting public health with a focus on prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and their shared risk factors particularly tobacco use. He has played a crucial role towards developing tobacco control policy and strategy for tobacco control. His contributions paved the for the implementation of graphic health warning on cigarette packs, promulgation of the legislation for smoke-free environments, imposition of strict restrictions on tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorship including Point of Sale Bans and enhanced tobacco taxation.



Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.