ISSUP Webinar
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United Kingdom
prevention provision

Substance Use Prevention: A review of what it means and requires through the language of football/soccer

ISSUP presents Part One of a two-part webinar on the topic of Substance Use Prevention.

Watch Part Two

It is not always clear what is required within Prevention. There are many professional sources of material and inputs that address the issue. However sometimes we need to go “back to basics” and help people understand what prevention of substance abuse entails in a different format.

This Webinar will provide an overview of the role of prevention within drug demand reduction and will consider the “do’s” and “don'ts” of how we should approach prevention provision within our thinking, planning and practical work.

Presenter Jeff Lee will address this topic through a series of slides using the analogy of football/soccer, looking at:

  • The place of prevention within drug demand reduction
  • What prevention needs to consider or discard
  • What evidence-based prevention might need to address
  • Components of an evidence-based approach to prevention
  • Implications for "Premier League" prevention provision
  • Challenges for implementing evidence-based prevention

Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will gain a clear understanding of what is meant by substance use prevention
  • Understand what may not work within prevention provision
  • Develop a better understanding of what is required in formulating a plan of action for evidence-based prevention


Jeff Lee is a Senior Consultant to ISSUP and he brings a wealth of expertise and experience from working in the Drug Demand Reduction field for almost 40 years. From his initial background as a teacher, Jeff has always asserted the role of education and the need to promote personal and social skills within a health behaviour context.

Jeff’s work has included:

  • Project management, training and consultancy work and special advisory roles for governments, the EU, WHO and UNODC.
  • Training and resource development, particularly in the field of personal, social and life skills education.
  • Worked in over 80 countries to support the need to transfer research findings into practical action. He continues to offer prevention expertise to inform the international agenda and development of prevention science.

Jeff worked previously as ISSUP’s Executive Director and oversaw the establishment of ISSUP as an international NGO. Currently, his work within ISSUP focuses on scientific support to all elements of ISSUP's activities, including the promotion of evidence-based policy and practice within the field of drug demand reduction.


Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.