Scientific article
Published by / Citation
Sellés, P. M., Tomás, M. T. C., and Costa, J. A. G. (2021). Diagnostic Utility of New Short Versions of AUDIT to Detect Binge Drinking in Undergraduate Students. Clínica y Salud, 32(2), 49 - 54.
Original Language


binge drinking
undergraduate students

Diagnostic Utility of New Short Versions of AUDIT to Detect Binge Drinking in Undergraduate Students


This study examines the usefulness of two AUDIT adaptations with a sample of 907 undergraduate alcohol users. On the one hand, it includes the AR2i that encompasses revised A2r and A3r consumption items, and on the other hand—in addition to the two former items—the inclusion of items 4, 8, and 9, which evaluate consequences. The results indicate that both adaptations identify BD more precisely than the traditional scales (AUDIT and AUDIT-C), but the usefulness of each will depend on the clinical purpose they are given. In environments where time is a key factor in detecting high-risk consumption, it will be more appropriate to use AR2i, which evaluates the pattern of consumption, whereas to provide feedback to the young person, to increase their awareness, and to highlight the need for change it would be advisable to use the new combination of five items.