Video and audio recordings
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Dr. Talat Habib from Nishan Rehab Pakistan
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alcoholism treatment
SUD treatment

UTC-1 Training by Nishan Rehab Pakistan, Jan 6,7,8, 2022 at Multan, Pakistan

“Training of Addiction Professionals for Pakistan Addiction Treatment Practitioners”

January 6, 7 & 8th, 2022

Multan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

  1. Description:
    1. Training Name:    Training of Addiction Professionals for Pakistan
    2. Locations (Country & Regions): Multan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    3. Stakeholder Name (Implementing Agency):DAP  & Nishan Rehab Pakistan
    4. Start and end date of the Training: 6, 7 & 8th  January 2022
  2. Introduction:

Nishan rehab organized Training for Pakistan addiction treatment practitioners from 6 January 2022 to 8th January 2022 at Nishan Rehab in Multan, Pakistan. Training Curricula on “Physiology and Pharmacology for Addiction Professionals” was covered over a period of 3 days. Nishan Rehab borne all the training expenses and participants were not charged any fee.

  1. Objectives of the Training Programme:

The objectives of 3 days training were:

  • To train the participants on UTC 1 using interactive methodology
  • To elaborate and explain the given information and concepts on slides.
  • To learn and promote the Evidence Based Practices in the country.
  • To train the participants on up to date knowledge so they can implement the new learning in their practice.

The Three-days training initiative covered the following UTC curricula:

  • Curriculum 1: Physiology and Pharmacology for Addiction Treatment Professionals

    4. Description of the Training:

The programme was conducted as per schedule following the UTC Master Agenda. These three days training was facilitated by Colombo Plan national trainer; Dr. Talat Habib. Day one started with ceremonial, trainer’s welcome, registration and pre-testing of the content module. The curriculum was completed on day three followed by post-testing. The trainer developed a good rapport with the participants. There were 22 participants who initially registered for the training but two participants could not attend training because of their personal reasons. Participants were very disciplined and spoke elegantly keeping the respect of male and female associates in their mind.

During the training, the participants were updated with new knowledge and skills related to the components of drug treatment and rehabilitation. They learnt through interactive and experiential methodologies employed by the trainers.  The participants were very proactive; they listened attentively, asked questions and participated in the role plays and other group presentations including small group exercises and large group exercises.  They were open to receiving feedback especially during the exercises and became more creative with their presentations.

On 8 January 2022, the closing ceremony was held and certificates were distributed to participants. Dr. Talat Habib, Director of Nishan Rehab advocated for the treatment of persons with SUD and briefed about DAP and Nishan Foundation in his speech. Mr. Zahid Abbas Khawar, Director Nishan Rehab Multan highlighted the importance of substance use disorder treatment in the country and particularly in far-flung areas like Multan or South Punjab. Media coverage was also present. Local print and electronic media took snaps during Dr. Talat Habib presentation and also pictures of participants during a group activity. On behalf of participants, Miss. Nasreen Fatima thanked Nishan Rehab, Colombo Plan DAP, trainer and participants. She affirmed participants who shared the experiences from their daily practices. On behalf of the trainer, Dr. Talat Habib thanked the stakeholders for the opportunity to enhance the knowledge of the addiction treatment professionals in Pakistan. The training accomplished its main objectives of providing the participants with the most up-to-date knowledge, research findings and treatment practices.

    5. Recommendations:

  1. Participants were very satisfied and happy to be a part of the training and they recommended that the training series should be continued in Southern Punjab.
  2. To organize further training on UTC 2 -UTC 8 for the same group of participants.
  3. If possible, it is recommended to fully sponsor exam eligible candidates for a refresher course and ICAP examinations.
  4.  It is requested to consider funding Training Provider for next future training.
  5. “Please! Hold other conferences (training) and meetings for the students and the professionals. Provide opportunities to attend conferences, seminars and meetings in other cities. Opportunities of jobs are provided for the students” Wrote one of the participants. 

   6. Comments and reflections of the Participants:

Most of the participants were very much satisfied and gave positive feedback to the trainer and acknowledged. Overall, the participants liked the peaceful conducive environment, training methodology and time management of the training.  They found the training well organized, visionary and interactive. They commended the trainer for his knowledge, skills and kind attitude.

What Participants Say:

Mr Zahid Abbas Khawar

My professional carrier started with a job at a rehab centre as clinical Psychologist. I am in the addiction treatment profession for the last two decades. I joined Nishan Rehab three years ago. It was a great prospect for me to work with Nishan Rehab and augment my knowledge in the field of addiction. My skills were refined and practical knowledge was boosted during my job tenure. I am currently serving as Director of Nishan Rehab Multan. Last month, Dr. Talat shared the idea of conducting UTC training. My internees and I were quite excited to hear this. During the UTC training; I have been through many bumps and leaps; sometimes excited other times low due to incapacitation of too much new knowledge. I was of the view that I have been in the addiction field for many years and nothing new would be there but I was amazed to know approximately 70 % of knowledge delivered about addiction was new for me. My knowledge about the psychopharmacology of SUD’s, the effects of various drugs on brain communication and evidence-based practices are among a few of the topics that were new for me. Everything was practically taught using the interactive mode that enable me to visualize and learn more efficiently. Overall this course enhanced my knowledge and was experiential.

Miss Nasreen Fatima

I am working with Nishan Rehab for last one and half years. I was waiting for this training since long. When I came to know about the training; I was much excited and made expectations about the training. As I am already working with Nishan Rehab, that’s why I did not have any doubt about the quality and level of the training while I had a few questions which were made clear by the respected trainer at the first day of training. The training was very helpful and interesting because of the presentations and other activities which provided a source of practical learning through which many difficult concepts were made clear (for example the role of transporters ). In the curriculum I learnt a lot about the physiology and pharmacology of SUD’s. I am really thankful to stakeholders; DAP, Colombo Plan and Nishan Rehab Pakistan and honorable trainer who delivered the information with dedication.  











