Identifying NGOs working on drug treatment in humanitarian settings

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and specifically the Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS)  are working on addressing substance use and substance use disorders in humanitarian settings.
In this context, they are looking for civil society service providers offering drug use disorder treatment or prevention services to displaced populations or working in humanitarian settings, all over the world. 

Service providers with concrete practical experience will eventually be invited, jointly with humanitarian agencies, to help identify what is needed in very concrete situations to enhance substance use prevention, treatment, and care service provision in humanitarian settings and/or with displaced populations. 

Does your organisation have concrete and ongoing experience in service provision in humanitarian settings and do you fulfill the following criteria? 

  • Established/provided services in low-and middle-income countries 
  • Activities and/or experience working in humanitarian settings and/or with displaced populations providing substance use prevention, treatment, or care services

Organizations fulfilling the above criteria,  interested in contributing to this project are asked to fill out the below short form before 29th October 2021.