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Prison and drugs in Europe - current and future challenges

Objective: to discuss the results of the report Prison and drugs in Europe: current and future challenges Insights with key customers.

Invited Stakeholders: - Heino Stöver, Institute for Addiction Research Organization Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. - Mark Johnson, founder of Uservoices, NGOs of people with lived experience aiming at foster dialogue between service users and service providers, London, UK. - Blanka Šuljak, Head of the Treatment Department, Directorate for the Prison System and Probation, Zagreb Prison Hospital, Croatia. - Theano Mavromoustaki, Senior Legal Counsel for the Government at the Law Office and acting on behalf of the Attorney General of the Republic of Cyprus.

Chair: Linda Montanari, EMCDDA.

Opening remarks, Alexis Goosdeel, EMCDDA Director