Scholarships for the International Network on Brief Intervention for Alcohol and Other Drugs

INEBRIA offers the possibility to apply for scholarships to attend virtually or in-person to the INEBRIA 2021 conference for professionals with genuine interest in expanding alcohol screening and brief interventions in their countries.

Who is the target audience?

Early-career professionals working in the field of brief interventions for alcohol and other substances– from academic, clinical, public and civil sector organisations.

Eligibility criteria for applicants:

  • You have to be an early career stage professional working in the field of brief interventions for alcohol, with up to 5 years post PhD or if 8 years post highest educational award if no PhD
  • You have to be resident of a developing country (India excluded) according to the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD criteria. You can check the list here.
    Indian participants will have access to a different type of scholarships (Please go to for details). Participants from other developing countries from Asia will be prioritized.
  • You have to be a member of INEBRIA. Membership is free of charge and open to any individual with demonstrated experience in the area of brief interventions for alcohol problems, either from undertaking research or having implemented interventions in one or more settings. You can become a member by filling the registration form you will find on the INEBRIA website
  • You have to have an abstract accepted for INEBRIA 2021. Not having an abstract accepted will be a reason for exclusion. To submit an abstract please go to