How Do You Identify Effective Clinicians? Highlight from Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell C3
They differ greatly in how well their patients do, so how do we identify effective clinicians? In cell C3 the Alcohol Treatment Matrix tackled the critical missing link in improving treatment: recruitment. Research offers valuable clues, including brief written tests pioneered by a seminal US study whose findings were broadly replicated in Finland.
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Drawn from cell C3 of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix, a resource mapping key research and guidance on alcohol brief interventions and treatment.
“When I first came into post completing sections of the alcohol and drug treatment matrices were part of my induction. They gave me a solid knowledge base and I have recommended them to others.”
Heather Wilson, Health Improvement Officer (Alcohol & Drugs), Aberdeen City Alcohol & Drug Partnership, Scotland
Sent by Drug and Alcohol Findings to alert you to site updates and recent UK-relevant evaluations and reviews of drug/alcohol interventions. Refresh of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix is funded by Alcohol Change UK . Findings is also supported by the Society for the Study of Addiction, and advised by the National Addiction Centre.