Alcohol Use, Alcohol Dependence and Mental Health Conditions

Several key risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) have been identified, including the harmful use of alcohol.
Half the world’s population drinks alcohol, and harmful alcohol use is the third leading cause of ill health and premature death globally. WHO’s European Region is the region with the highest levels of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm.
Harmful use of alcohol or dependence often co-occurs with mental health conditions, and this affects the course, severity and outcomes of both disorders as well as treatment outcomes. A clearer understanding of the links between these disorders could form the basis for a more integrated response in terms of prevention and treatment
This publication examines:
- Harmful use of alcohol as a risk factor for noncommunicable diseases
- Links between harmful use of alcohol or dependence and mental health conditions
- Treatment approaches for people with mental health conditions and comorbid harmful use of alcohol or dependence