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ethnic diversity

Research Survey: Enhancing Drug Treatment for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities

Dear European expert in migrant (mental) health/wellbeing or drug treatment,

This is a request to share your work in a European report.

MATREMI (mapping & enhancing drug treatment for migrants and ethnic minorities) is a research project funded by the Belgian Science Policy office and one of its aims could be relevant to your own professional context:

Mapping European promising practices aimed at increasing reach and retention of and accessibility for migrants and ethnic minorities in European drug treatment in an English report (goal 2)

Can you please fill out or forward the 12-minute survey about promising practices in or aimed at (drug)treatment for migrants and ethnic minorities in your national context. These practices should not necessarily be located in drug treatment but can also take place in broader (mental) health domains.

The survey will be open until the 23rd of April. You can click the link above to access the survey.

The research team will provide respondents with the full report with survey results by December 2019 at the latest. Please contact charlotte [dot] dekock [at] ugent [dot] be for further questions concerning the survey or the research project.


Our sincere thanks for taking the time for this survey,

Warm regards,

Charlotte De Kock, Prof. Dr. Tom Decorte

On behalf of the MATREMI research team

charlotte [dot] dekock [at] ugent [dot] be