Scientific article
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Iacobelli M, Saraf S, Welding K, et al Manipulated: graphic health warnings on smokeless tobacco in rural India Tobacco Control Published Online First: 29 January 2019. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054715
Original Language


Industry watch
smokeless tobacco
rural drug use
rural areas

Manipulated: Graphic Health Warnings on Smokeless Tobacco in Rural India

India is unique in its dual burden of tobacco use. Nearly 200 million individuals use smokeless tobacco (SLT) products in India,1 with almost 200 000 deaths attributed to SLT use in 2010.2 SLT users tend to live in rural areas and have lower levels of education. India has made substantial strides in tobacco control in recent years, including the 2016 increase in health warning label (HWL) coverage to 85% on all tobacco products sold, including SLT. The Tobacco Pack Surveillance System (TPackSS) has been monitoring HWL compliance in India and other low-income and middle-income countries since 2013. After 5600 tobacco products purchased globally, we noticed something truly unique.