National Training of Trainers on the Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders in Nigeria

The Global Initiative on Substance Abuse (GISA), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) and the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Program, recently delivered the National Training of Trainers in the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) in Nigeria.

Participants, including professors, doctors, and lecturers in the fields of Medicine, Psychology and Guidance Counseling, travelled from all regions of Nigeria for the training. There were experts from government ministries of education and youth development, principals of secondary schools, clerics from religious organisations, and representatives of non-governmental and civil society organisations in drug demand reduction.

Also significantly represented at the January 2019 training in Nigeria was the youth population. This is promising, as one area that has not received adequate attention in drug control efforts in Nigeria is the involvement of youth.  

The National Training of Trainers event was the first comprehensive and evidence-based substance abuse prevention training in Nigeria.

The training came at a time when the federal government of Nigeria is taking a critical look at the issues of substance abuse, and establishing committees aimed at addressing the problems of substance abuse in Nigeria.

Professionals in the field of drug demand reduction have resolved to come together with the registration of the Nigerian Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals (ISSUP Nigeria)


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