Publication Date
Published by / Citation
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Partner Organisation
World Drugs Report
drug demand
drug supply
drug markets
drug harms
drug related deaths
drug seizures

UNODC World Drug Report 2018

World Drug Report 2018 booklet covers

The 2018 World Drug Report was launched on 26th June. The report covers a range of topics with the booklets split into drug demand and supply, drug markets, drugs and age, and women and drugs. 

The booklets are all available free to access and download as PDF documents through the UNODC website and are available in English and other languages. 

The report highlights the latest trends in opium and coca bush cultivation, the non-medical use of prescription medication such as fentanyl, tramadol and benzodiazepines. The overdose death statistics in North America are brought into focus along with global drug trends and youth drug use. 

Also discussed are drug related deaths which have seen a 60% increase between the years 2000 and 2015. The report also highlights regional variances in the substances people might be accessing drug treatment for - in Asia there can be seen a greater prevalence in people accessing treatment for opiate use while in Latin America it is more likely to be cocaine. 

Information of drug seizures also shows an increase in the seizure of cocaine and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and an upward trend in the use of the "darknet" and online cyryptomarkets being used for the purchase of drugs. 

The report highlights different risk factors which might make people more likely to take drugs and experience substance use disorders or problematic drug use. 

A wide and comprehensive series of booklets which will be useful for anyone hoping to get a better understanding of international drug demand and drug markets, the implications and the ways in which people might be affected. 

Also available is a wealth of data through the UNODC website here