Scientific article
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Dai H, Catley D, Richter KP, et al. Electronic Cigarettes and Future Marijuana Use: A Longitudinal Study. Pediatrics. 2018;141(5):e20173787
Original Language


United States
marijuana use
longitudinal studies

Electronic Cigarettes and Future Marijuana Use: A Longitudinal Study


Background: Cigarettes have been strongly associated with subsequent marijuana use among adolescents, but electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are now rapidly replacing traditional cigarettes among youth. This study examines associations between youth e-cigarette use and subsequent marijuana use in a national sample.

Methods: Youth (aged 12–17 years) never marijuana users at wave 1 (n = 10 364; 2013–2014) from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health study were followed-up in 1 year (wave 2, 2014–2015). Multivariable logistic regressions were performed to evaluate associations between e-cigarette use at wave 1 and ever/heavy marijuana use in the past 12 months (P12M) and at wave 2.

Results: Among never marijuana users, e-cigarette ever use (versus never use) at wave 1 was associated with increased likelihood of marijuana P12M use (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.9; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.4–2.5) at wave 2. There was a significant interaction between e-cigarette use and age (P < .05) with aOR = 2.7 (95% CI: 1.7–4.3) for adolescents aged 12 to 14 and aOR = 1.6 (95% CI: 1.2–2.3) for adolescents aged 15 to 17. The association with heavy marijuana use was significant among younger adolescents (aOR = 2.5; 95% CI: 1.2–5.3) but was not among older adolescents. Heavier e-cigarette use at wave 1 yielded higher odds of P12M and heavy marijuana use at wave 2 for younger adolescents.

Conclusions: E-cigarette use predicts subsequent marijuana use among youth, with a stronger associations among young adolescents. Reducing youth access to e-cigarettes may decrease downstream marijuana use.