Published by / Citation
Inter-American Observatory on Drugs (OID)
Original Language


Partner Organisation
Caribbean region

Standardized Indicators for National Drug Information Networks in the Caribbean

This guide, developed by and for persons working in member states of the Caribbean, presents a model set of indicators to countries desiring to standardize the way that they organize, collect, and report drug-related information for their DINs. The guide has a systematic layout and begins with an explanation of what a DIN is and provides some examples of DINs from various parts of the world. It then presents a framework of standard indicators that countries can use as a model that they can apply to their national networks. The three main groups of indicators are drug supply reduction, drug demand reduction, and other qualitative indicators. The guide takes the varying levels of capacity in the member states into account by proposing a tiered system of indicators that are ranked in order of difficulty by the regional experts who were consulted and also provides standardized data collection instruments for each indicator, highlighting the frequency of data collection and the agency with responsibility to collect the data. This report is only available in English.