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Ministry of Health, Kenya
Original Language


Ministry of Health

The National Protocol for Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Kenya

Substance (Drug) Abuse is increasing in Kenya and especially among the youth. Current statistics indicate that more than half of drug users are aged 10-19 years. Most studies done in the country indicate that the commonly used drugs are nicotine, alcohol and cannabis. Due to the strategic location of Kenya in the East African region and Nairobi being an economic hub in the region, there has been an upsurge of international narcotic drug trafficking leading to increased injecting drug users (IDU).

‘The National Protocol for Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Kenya’ outlines the pharmacological treatment, psycho-social interventions and aftercare support which will be provided in line with international standards and procedures, while respecting the national social, cultural and economic realities. It provides a humane and scientific approach delivered by skilled practitioners in order to assist the alcohol or drug dependent person to attain the highest level of personal, professional, familial and social functioning.