Scientific article
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youth substance use
12-step programmes

Tackling Youth Substance Use with 12-Step Programmes

A new study recently published in the academic journal Addiction suggests that substance use treatment programmes that incorporate 12-step practices, such as that used by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), are more effective for combatting substance use disorders (SUDs) among youth than the current treatment approach.

The lead author of the study comments: “Cognitive-behavioural and motivational programmes are evidence-based, popular approaches for addressing youth substance-use disorder, and now these data suggest that integrating these approaches with 12-step philosophy and practices can further help reduce the impact of substance use in their lives and potentially facilitate higher rates of abstinence. Given the prevalence of substance-use disorders among young people, having treatments that are both effective and cost-effective -- linking patients to free and ubiquitous community resources -- is needed and welcome."

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