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Drug and Alcohol Findings
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drug misuse
alcohol abuse

Effectiveness Bank Matrix Bite: The Talker in the Talking Route to Recovery

In psychosocial therapies, the enactment of the client-worker relationship is the treatment. Structured around Carl Rogers’ classic formulation of the “necessary and sufficient conditions” for therapeutic progress, the cell in the Alcohol Treatment Matrix focuses on whether some therapists are more successful because they more strongly forge ‘therapeutic’ relationships. We highlight seminal studies which seemed to validate Rogers’ framework, and ask: Are these conditions all that is needed? And does being genuine sometimes mean contradicting other Rogerian mandates.

See cell and already unfolded bite here.

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Matrix bites are a cell-by-cell commentary on the treatment matrices:

About the matrices: Launched in 2013, the matrices are portals to the most important research and guidance for British treatment services and for practitioners, managers, and commissioners. Use them to train staff, for professional development, or just to re-experience the revelations made by the seminal and key studies of the past 50+ years. Read more... 

Alcohol Treatment Matrix: The Alcohol Treatment Matrix maps the domain of treatment of problem drinking among adults and for each sub-domain (a cell) lists the most important UK-relevant research and guidance. Click here to access the Alcohol Treatment Matrix. 

Drug Treatment Matrix: The Drug Treatment Matrix maps the treatment of problem drug use among adults and for each sub-domain (a cell) lists the most important UK-relevant research and guidance. Click here to access the Drug Treatment Matrix.


Findings is supported by Alcohol Research UK and the Society for the Study of Addiction and advised by the National Addiction Centre.