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International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders: Draft for field testing

International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders: Draft for field testing

The International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders (Standards) were prepared by UNODC and WHO to support Member States in the development and expansion of treatment services that offer effective and ethical treatment. The goal of such treatment is to reverse the negative impact that persisting drug use disorders have on the individual and to help them achieve as full recovery from the disorder as possible and to become a productive member of their society.

The Standards were developed in the framework of the UNODC-WHO Programme on Drug Dependence Treatment and Care and are built on existing publications. They provide United Nations Member States with a practical and comprehensive technical tool that will help to guide policy development; plan, organize and manage drug treatment services within and beyond the health system; develop the capacity of human resources; and evaluate service and system level interventions. The Standards will be made available to the Commission for its consideration at its fifty- ninth session.