A Guide to Working with Community Groups

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The Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) have put together a guide to working with African communities, settled in Australia. The guide itself states that 'whilst the research and community consultation underpinning this toolkit have focused on African communities, some of the topics and strategies discussed may also be of use to those working with other community groups to address a range of alcohol and other drug issues.' It is a handy resource for anyone who is working with a particular community group, giving guidance on important issues to consider whilst emphasising the importance of tailoring and adaptation to target groups' needs.

Read the guide in pdf 'A guide to working together with African communities to reduce alcohol-related harms' on the ADF website.

Hunter Multicultural Community Drug Action Team and Drug and Alcohol Multicultural Education Centre. Confident Communities: A guide to working together with African communities to reduce alcohol-related harms. Sydney: Drug and Alcohol Multicultural Education Centre; 2015