Consumption of psychoactive substances in samples of the Guatemalan school population

Scientific article
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Copyright (2022) Kathya Michelle Ramírez Maddaleno, Alma Karina Barrientos Hernandez, Karla Fortuny, Marisa Fabiola Sagastume Donis &Francisco José Uretra Morales Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internaciona
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Consumption of psychoactive substances in samples of the Guatemalan school population

A research was carried out consisting of 4 master's degree graduation works, with mixed descriptive methodology, which deal with the different risk factors that cause students in Guatemala, who fall into problems of use, consumption and abuse of substances. The research evaluated members of the educational community, from the different levels of the educational system (primary, basic, diversified and higher education), addressing parents, teachers, and students, according to the evaluated level of public and private institutions. The perception of risk possessed by teachers and parents or even the subject himself was explored; Likewise, some correlations between risk factors as predictors of consumption were tried. Work was carried out in relation to the vulnerability of the school population in the use and consumption of substances in children and adolescents. Evidence was found of some vulnerabilities in students such as poor academic performance and problems in interpersonal relationships, as well as aggressiveness, place of residence and low self-esteem. As prevention against these elements, the systematic generation of preventive programs, based on evidence and that are adequately monitored to have evidence of their results, is suggested, so that the educational system becomes an opportune scenario to carry out universal prevention regardless of educational level.