The Art of Being a Therapist

Scientific article
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Pacheco Trejo, Ayme, & Martínez Martínez, Kalina (2013). EL ARTE DE SER TERAPEUTA. ¿QUÉ HACE EFECTIVA UNA INTERVENCIÓN EN EL CONSUMO DE DROGAS?. Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología, 18(1), undefined-undefined. [fecha de Consulta 20 de Noviembre de 2019]. ISSN: 0185-1594. Disponible en:
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Variables inespecíficas; Adicciones; Adolescencia; Terapeutas

The Art of Being a Therapist

The objective of this work was to identify the non-specific variables related to the success of a short intervention program for adolescent alcohol-consuming adolescents, based on the experience and opinion of a group of therapists in the program. Information obtained in interviews with eight therapists and two project leaders is reported. The results show that the factors associated with the success of the intervention relate to having firm knowledge about the theoretical basis that underpins the model, broad mastery of the program and its components, attitude of commitment towards it, belief in the possibilities of change in adolescents and skills of empathy, motivation and strengthening. Based on the findings, the importance of training and overseeing the acquisition of these variables in novice therapists is discussed.