Screening of risks arising from the consumption of drugs using the ASSIST (Alcohol, smoking and substances involvement screening test) in primary care patients

Scientific article
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López-Rodríguez JA, et al. Cribado de riesgos derivados del consumo de drogas utilizando la herramienta ASSIST (Alcohol, smoking and substances involvement screening test) en pacientes de atención primaria: estudio transversal. Aten Primaria. 2018.
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Atención Primaria

Screening of risks arising from the consumption of drugs using the ASSIST (Alcohol, smoking and substances involvement screening test) in primary care patients


Aim: The objective is to estimate the prevalence of consumption risk of drugs and patterns of consumption in primary care.

Design: Descriptive cross-sectional multicenter study.

Site: Five health centres in the area south of Madrid.

Participants: Population consultant in primary care between 16-100 years.

Measurements: ASSIST test validated into Spanish of the World Health Organization for the screening of drug was used. We calculated the total score for each drug.

Results: A total of 441 screening is conducted. The mean age was 51.3 years and a 56.1% presented some consumption of moderate or severe risk for any of the 9 screened substances. The drugs most consumed risk screening were tobacco (41.7%), alcohol (15.4%), sedatives or hypnotics (13.7%) and cannabis (5.7%), found some differences: men consumed more alcohol and cannabis; the women had higher consumption of sedatives/hypnotics than men. Polydrug use in 16% of subjects were observed.

Conclusions: Risks arising from consumption there are tobacco, alcohol, sedatives and cannabis in primary care. There is a higher prevalence of sedatives and hypnotics.