
📣 Call for Speaker Recommendations

We are announcing a call for organisations to recommend speakers for delivering a webinar on the ISSUP platform on the following topic: “Raising Awareness and Reducing


4th NATIONAL YOUTH CONVENTION (IMPACTS & PREVENTION OF SUBSTANCE USE AMONG YOUTH Anti-Drug Poster Competition & Cultural Show) Organized By ISSUP PAKISTAN with Collaboration of QUAID-E-AZAM UNIVERISTY, on Dated 6th July, 2023 at ISLAMABD-Pakistan

4thNational Youth Convention was scheduled on July, 6, 2023.

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter Organized National Youth convention would be organized in collaboration with National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-e-Azam university Islamabad, Subhan Medical Centre Trust and Irada Clinic at the Earth Sciences Auditorium, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Monthly Free Psychiatry Clinic/Camp by ISSUP Pakistan, Pakistan Psychiatric Society on 29 April, 2023 at Rawalakot-AJK

Dr. Syed Azhar Ali Kazmi: Consultant Psychiatrist Member Executive Committee ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Chapter Chief Pakistan Psychiatric Society- AJK, HOD Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical College CHM Rawalakot-AJK with ISSUP Pakistan Chapter and Pakistan Psychiatric Society going to conduct Free Psychiatry Clinic/Camp on 29 April 2023  Rawalakot-AJK. 


Seminar on “Psycho-Education about Drugs and Child Abuse” for Drug Use Prevention in Schools, Colleges and Universities by Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical College Rawalakot-AJK in Collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan, Pakistan Psychiatric Society AT

Seminar on “Psycho-Education about Drugs and Child Abuse” for Drug Use Prevention In Schools, Colleges, and Universities organized by Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical Collage Rawalakot-AJK in collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan Chapter and Pakistan Psychiatric Society at Rawalakot-AJK on 22-03-2023.


Klinik/Kamp Psikiatri Gratis Bulanan oleh ISSUP Pakistan, Pakistan Psychiatric Society pada 25 Maret 2023 di Rawalakot-AJK

Dr. Syed Azhar Ali Kazmi: Konsultan Psikiater Anggota Komite Eksekutif ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Chapter Chief Pakistan Psychiatric Society- AJK, HOD Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical College CHM Rawalakot-AJK dengan ISSUP Pakistan Chapter dan Pakistan Psychiatric Society akan mengadakan Klinik/Camp Psikiatri Gratis pada 25 Maret 2023 a Rawalakot-AJK. 


Webinar Langsung ISSUP Pakistan tentang "Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) sebagai badai baru bagi Profesional Kesehatan Mental dan Kecanduan: Wawasan dari Negara Berkembang" pada 22 Februari 2023.

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter mengadakan webinar internasional langsung tentang "Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) sebagai badai baru bagi Profesional Kesehatan Mental dan Kecanduan: Wawasan dari Negara Berkembang"


Pelatihan UTC-1 "An Introduction to the Science of Addiction" yang diselenggarakan oleh ISSUP Pakistan Chapter dan Subhan Trust pada 2-4 Februari 2023 di Institute of Souther Punjab/University, Multan-Pakistan.

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter dan Subhan Medical Trust (Penyedia Pelatihan yang Disetujui oleh CPDAP) bersama-sama menyelenggarakan Pelatihan tentang Kurikulum Perawatan Universal-1 "Pengantar Ilmu Kecanduan" dengan kolaborasi Institute of Southern Punjab (ISP) Multan pada 02-04 Februari 2023.

32 Peserta dari Punjab Selatan berhasil menyelesaikan pelatihan mereka tentang UTC-1.

Pelatihan ini difasilitasi oleh ICAP Certified National Trainers.

1. Muhammad Shafique


Live Session "PERAN PSIKOLOG DI PUSAT REHABILITASI" pada 28 Februari 2023 yang dilakukan oleh ISSUP Pakistan Chapter

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter mengadakan Live Session "PERAN PSIKOLOG DI PUSAT REHABILITASI" dari ISSUP Pakistan Chapter's &; Youth Forum Pakistan's Facebook Pages, YouTube Channels, Twitter, Instagram dan LinkedIn dengan Guest Speaker Mr. Muhammad Shafique, Psikolog Klinis, ICAP-1 Certified, Post Graduate Diploma in Addiction Sciences, Direktur ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, CEO Subhan Trust International.


Sesi Langsung tentang "MENDUKUNG KLIEN MELALUI PEMULIHAN PENGGUNAAN ZAT-IKHTISAR" pada tanggal 14 Februari 2023 Waktu Selasa: 19:00 Waktu Pakistan, 15:00 Waktu Nigeria, 14:00 Waktu Inggris

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter akan mengadakan Sesi Langsung dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang "MENDUKUNG KLIEN MELALUI PEMULIHAN PENGGUNAAN ZAT-GAMBARAN UMUM" dari Halaman Facebook ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Grup Facebook, Saluran YouTube, Twitter, Instagram dan LinkedIn, halaman Facebook Forum Pemuda Pakistan dan Saluran YouTube dan halaman Facebook Colombo Plan Pakistan dengan Tamu Pembicara Terhormat Ms.


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If you have any news, research, publications or events to share from your work or your country, please add to the ISSUP Knowledge Share. This will ensure that this information reaches both the international community and your national colleagues. Thank you!

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