Master in Drug Addiction University of Barcelona, Spain. Doctoral student in Community Mental Health, University of Lanús, Argentina. Occupational Therapist, University of Playa Ancha, Educational Sciences, Valparaíso, Chile. Academic Director of the Drug Program of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Central University of Chile.
Sensory profile and sensory processing questionnaire in adolescents and adults: A review of the literature
A review of the literature on sensory processing in adolescents and adults. The sensory information received from the environment and its analysis has been the objective of studying the sensory profile that has been used for almost 20 years in different populations with different health and social conditions and the sensory processing questionnaire.
Objectives: The objective of this review was to identify and synthesize the information available on the different uses of the adolescent / adult sensory profile and the sensory processing questionnaire.
Method: A sensitivity test was performed to define keywords and data sources. The investigations were carried out in the databases Wos, Scopus, SciELO, LILACS and the Chilean Journal of Occupational Therapy. For the selection of the sample, three steps were carried out. Inclusion / exclusion criteria were applied.
Results: 50 articles were analyzed. Where this instrument has been used in different types of population and highlights a validation process in people with problematic drug use in Portugal
Conclusion: Sensory processing was shown to be associated with attitudes and consumer behavior. Sensory imbalances appear to be involved in decreased resilience.